Lil Red Rocket

Figured I’d snag a low hanging fruit for some easy feel goods and bolt on my front turbine tech brace....


Scratch that! Why can’t anything be easy? Lol ugh now I have to try and relocate the coil somehow if I want to use the brace. :(





Well I got the sound deafening installed in the drivers door. Then fought with the regulator till I sliced my finger open. No idea how the darn thing mounts but I’m done for this evening.




Success got the drivers side regulator installed, the window put in and most of the trim and seals around the window. I still have the inner door panel top seal and the outside bottom one to put on. Window goes up like glass, the new inner seal that goes into the slide rail is amazing. I got wired the regulator to the battery and ran it up and down to try it out. :D :D :D


Tackled figuring out the pinout for my headlight conversion from HB1 to H4 on the passenger side. Now that I know the correct way to wire it up, I'll get out there with my soldering iron and heat shrink to do it up properly on both sides. I just wanted to figure out what the correct pinout was for now.

I also got the passenger window regulator installed, and a few of the trim pieces on the passenger door.
What a glorious sight. It must feel great to have such a fresh clean shiny object to work on. Envy level British racing green!
fireflyse said:
What a glorious sight. It must feel great to have such a fresh clean shiny object to work on. Envy level British racing green!

Well it's shiney on the outside, but the inside is not so fresh and clean, there is also a fair bit of hackery that went on before my ownership as well. I'm really just itching to start driving it again. I mean't to do a lot on it this weekend, but the wife scheduled a bunch of stuff and I didn't get very much accomplished.

My minimum list to achieve driveability:
1. Finish attaching the headliner.
2. Install back windows.
3. Install remaining drivers door trim.
4. Install passenger window and remaining trim.
5. Permanently wire in the headlights.
6. Fix and reattach drivers rear view mirror.
7. Bolt in drivers seat.
8. Take it for an alignment.
9. Find brake fluid leak.

Extended less critical to do list:
1. Clean inside of vehicle and install sound mat.
2. Remove dash.
3. Install sound mat on firewall.
4. Replace dash pad and reinstall dash.
5. Install new poly motor mounts.
6. Reinstall fog lights.
7. Complete wiring for power window switches.
8. Clean carpet and install.
9. Install rest of interior trim and seats.
10. Figure out how to install turbine tech front and rear strut braces.
11. Install whiteline swaybar upgrade.
12. Fix popping rear toe bar.

That's all I can think of for now, I'm sure there are a lot of things I'm missing. But I'd be thrilled to death to complete those lists.
Made some more progress on the headliner....



For the back hatch area the tension was to much for the clothes pins so I found these cheap 99 cent spring clamps that are basically industrial clothes pins that seem to hold it much better. We'll see if it stays in place once I remove the clamps later.... :fearful:

It's not stretched perfect, but overall it looks pretty good for a used liner that I pulled myself and transferred. It is a bit of a sucky job though I don't think I'd love to do it again anytime soon. Hopefully the rear glue holds, it really is tight.


I also managed to get a little bit of the sound deadening installed in the passenger door.

So close to having all the windows in! As soon as I know if the rear hatch glue has held I'll put in the rest of the windows! This is exciting because that means I'll be really close to being able to take it for that alignment!
Looks really good!
The head lining is definitely a lot of work.
But is really worth all your afford.
Keep up the good work ;)
Let's see time to update my list!

My minimum list to achieve driveability:
1. Finish attaching the headliner.
2. Install back windows.
3. Install remaining drivers door trim.
4. Install passenger window and remaining trim.
5. Permanently wire in the headlights.
6. Fix and reattach drivers rear view mirror.
7. Bolt in drivers seat.
8. Take it for an alignment.
9. Find brake fluid leak.

Extended less critical to do list:
1. Clean inside of vehicle and install sound mat.
2. Remove dash.
3. Install sound mat on firewall.
4. Replace dash pad and reinstall dash.
5. Install new poly motor mounts.
6. Reinstall fog lights.
7. Complete wiring for power window switches.
8. Clean carpet and install.
9. Install rest of interior trim and seats.
10. Figure out how to install turbine tech front and rear strut braces.
11. Install whiteline swaybar upgrade.
12. Fix popping rear toe bar.

So only a couple small things left to do before I can take it for a spin.
I also received my last package from Japan today!!! Pretty sure I'm all done with that for now this was an unexpected discovery but I knew I had to have them.



Some updated photos!




Now here's something I'm a little bit ashamed and mad about.


So my beautiful perfect paint already has it's first scars :( When I put in the drivers window I somehow managed to ding it, and so when I went to do the passenger window I was extra careful but still somehow in the same spot I got it again. On both sides! Matching scars dangit! They are small, but I know they are there :( maybe they can be touched up somehow I dunno we'll see what the shop says. I dunno how the pro window guys do it, but I was super careful and I just couldn't help myself apparently. :cry:
Well after driving it to work yesterday and today I need to add a couple things onto my to do list that I forgot about!

1. Fix speedometer floating.
2. Figure out why the engine temp never shows warm.
3. Fix the ignition so that it properly detects power for the AC/BLOWER.
4. Figure out why it wants to stall out and die when idling if I don't have the AC/FAN Blowing.
5. Hunt down and fix an annoying rattle in the drivers door.
6. Shop must have installed the wiper arms funky, they have a hard time moving, so I need to figure that out as well.

And here I thought my list was getting shorter!

Today at least I'm taking it to a shop to have the alignment done and see if they can check it out a little maybe identify why the steering is shaking. So one thing at a time I guess, if only my list didn't grow faster than I accomplish it.
macuserman said:
My minimum list to achieve driveability:
1. Finish attaching the headliner.
2. Install back windows.
3. Install remaining drivers door trim.
4. Install passenger window and remaining trim.
5. Permanently wire in the headlights.
6. Fix and reattach drivers rear view mirror.
7. Bolt in drivers seat.
8. Take it for an alignment.
9. Find brake fluid leak.
10. Fix speedometer floating.
11. Figure out why the engine temp never shows warm.
12. Fix the ignition so that it properly detects power for the AC/BLOWER.
13. Figure out why it wants to stall out and die when idling if I don't have the AC/FAN Blowing.
14. Hunt down and fix an annoying rattle in the drivers door.
15. Shop must have installed the wiper arms funky, they have a hard time moving, so I need to figure that out as well.

Extended less critical to do list:
1. Clean inside of vehicle and install sound mat.
2. Remove dash.
3. Install sound mat on firewall.
4. Replace dash pad and reinstall dash.
5. Install new poly motor mounts.
6. Reinstall fog lights.
7. Complete wiring for power window switches.
8. Clean carpet and install.
9. Install rest of interior trim and seats.
10. Figure out how to install turbine tech front and rear strut braces.
11. Install whiteline swaybar upgrade.
12. Fix popping rear toe bar.

Well I've accomplished a few more things off my list, btw I'm using italics to note items that I have completed. I need to add the strike through BBCode but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Anyhow, the main thing that happened is that I got the drivers mirror reattached, got the headlights wired up properly, and threw in the seat so I could take it for an alignment. I took it down for an alignment and they didn't have it up on the rack 5 minutes before they called me back and said we know what your problem is! Turns out the front passenger tire had a separated belt and was causing most of my vibration. The rest of the tires were also near end of life and worn badly due to the lack of alignment. So they told me that couldn't do anything until I got some new tires, I have known I needed new tires for awhile so it wasn't a huge deal, they could only get one tire brand and size very quickly so I just went with that. Wow new tires and an alignment have cured the nasty wobble shake I was dealing with, the car is so much fun to drive now, I haven't driven it a whole lot but I did run down to Jays house and was able to drive interstate speeds again which was awesome. It does have a little bit of a shake/vibration in the wheel once you get up to 70-75, but it's a totally different feeling it doesn't feel dangerous it feels like things need to be tightened up maybe. Anyhow, I'm really pleased with the progress so far, it's back in the garage now, and I need to get more things knocked off my list, but this is huge progress.
It is nice when what you think could be something major turns out to be something relatively minor. I know from completely stripping down a car before the anxiety of not 100% knowing if it will ever run true again. I just recently had my driver side door painted, and I'm not sure how you did what you did with the paint. I don't remember having problems in that spot. Maybe order of part install. There is just the push grommets holding the trim retainer that I put a little bit of window weld on just the ends of the grommets so they would be snug when you depressed them. I think I put the corners almost entirely together making sure that the last joint was started (where the upper and lower join). I also put window weld on those joints so they don't ever rattle loose. I'm talking about sparring amounts of window weld where I could work them free if I needed to remove them. I still have the rattle on the inside bars despite putting new foam in underneath. What did you use to lubricate the rubber window seam guides?