No longer a vert owner

Well it's official. I no longer own any verts. I sold them to a guy I work with so he can build 2 from the 3 for his daughters when they turn 16.

It's a bit of a sad day for me but I will be getting another one in the future. I need to downsize for now until I move to a new place. Then the madness can start again. I plan to get as good of a car as I can find to avoid bodywork. I've seen some very nice examples advertised and that is what I will wait for on my next vert.

At least I'll have my 93 GT to keep me happy until then.
Swifterthanu said:
What about the other parts stash?

I'm back baby!!!!

Looks like I now own a '91 Firefly vert in my favorite color, Yellow. It needs work but I'll get it drive-able for the summer. Pics when I go pick it up.
Well I now have another yellow vert for a summer beater.

It's not as nice as it looks in the picture.

I don't have it home yet. I drove it to about 200 miles south of me where my buddy who went with me lives and I had to leave one vehicle there because I didn't have a trailer.

One thing it does apparently have is an original GM cellphone in the trunk. I didn't get to look at that because the seller didn't have the key for the trunk or the lock is frozen, don't know which. I didn't want to crawl in through the back to release the lock. I'll have to deal with that when I get it home.

I need to put an exhaust on it and replace the shocks and struts but it was cheap so I don't mind throwing some parts I have laying around on it.

I'll update this when I get it home.
And they keep rolling in. Bought out an estate this last summer. Came with 4 loose turbo engines and hatches, ecu.s doors, seats and more. One white vert has a twincam engine in it (not wired yet). Other white vert is a stock running, driving car but has some rust. The blue verts got sent to the crusher. Not much left on those ones although I kept the turbo hood. The red 98 is a running driving car. The dark blue base hatch is a gem. 1989 base model with less than 140K km on it. Zero rust.

Also bought a decent runner vert cheap because the owner couldn't figure out it had a clogged cat. No photo for that one yet.IMG_0099.JPGIMG_0100.JPG
@top down@-40 Wow! That is an amazing haul! Your very lucky to have picked up all that. It's good to see you back in the game it's been awhile! Also thanks for supporting the forum. :) I wish we had those mid wings in our part of the country love to pick one up but they just are such a pain to ship and all.
@top down@-40 Wow! That is an amazing haul! Your very lucky to have picked up all that. It's good to see you back in the game it's been awhile! Also thanks for supporting the forum. :) I wish we had those mid wings in our part of the country love to pick one up but they just are such a pain to ship and all.
Thanks Ivan.

I also picked up a new to me highway cruiser. 350 HP 325 Ft Lb torque. 20 city, 29 hwy mpg (not US gallons) Top speed limited 155MPH. That needs to change.
Disclaimer: some photos are from the web but identical to the the car in my driveway.
@top down@-40 that car looks mint! I'm sure it is a lot of fun to drive as well!
It most definitely is fun to drive. Even on compact snow it gets up and goes. I did 6.7 seconds 0-62 MPH on compacted snow/ice. It does have studded winter tires on it right now so that probably helped..

I wasn't actually looking to buy it. It was at the auction. I went down, like I usually do, to see in person what they had after looking online. Fired up and drove a few of them around the lot. The auction is held online and I put in a bid on a few vehicles. One being a parts truck (Chevy) for mine. That was the main vehicle I wanted to get. Another was an 04 F150. and the Audi. I bid low thinking I wouldn't get them but bid higher on the parts truck. That truck went for way too much money. I bid $1500 on the F150 and the Audi. The Ford ended and I didn't meet reserve. The Audi stopped at $1200 until about a minute before the end of the auction then someone bid $1300 which raised my bid automatically to $1400. Surely someone would outbid me. Nope! The auction ended at $1400 on the Audi. There was no reserve?! What!!!!???? I won the car for $1400 All in with taxes and fees it came out at $1850. Just after I picked up the car from the auction, they called me. The seller took my under reserve bid on the Ford. Shit!!!!!! Anybody want an F150? Kidding. I already have it sold.

$3800 ($2650 US) all in for both vehicles. I have sold the Ford for $2100 US after the guy took it for a good long test drive. So I got the Audi for $700 ($550 US). That was a bargain. Now I have to sell my Suzuki SX4. A car I thought I would own for many years but the Audi gets similar fuel economy and is much more than the SX4 everywhere else (probably including repair bills). I'm giving a friend a good deal on the Suzuki. He wants it for his daughter. Once that is sold, I will be ahead with money in the bank. I will need to spend some of that money to replace a few sensors on the Audi. It says my e-brake isn't working when it is and the oil level sensor says it's low although the dipstick says it's not. I will also need to replace the windshield and a couple of small cosmetic pieces.