since my oldest son has moved back home, and he doesn't (can't) work, i have tasked him with the project of making the waste oil heater better-to start with, a larger combustion fan- moves a lot more air. more air +more fuel =more heat !!!
will be adding more heat exchanger tubes, as well as a better sealing door, made out of 1/4 steel plate. will make the exhaust larger as well, so it seals better on the 6 inch pipe.
the main blower pipe has been upsized , from 1 inch pipe, to heavy wall 2inch pipe- my son added a damper, in the tube, to control cfm output-
the first test run he did went well, the heat rose quickly when the fan was switched on, and was well over 900 degrees f , with fire out the top stack- once more heat exchanger tubes are added, it will help keep the flames out of the exhaust, and stay in the chamber.
will build an oil feed using 1/2 steel pipe- the 1/2 copper tubing gets coked up, and bends too easily.
i already have a couple hundred liters of waste oil in steel barrels, and my son rebuilt a transfer pump so i can always have the smaller tank in the shop full and ready to go.
hoping to make more use of the waste oil heater, and only have to fill my propane tank just once , for this winter coming up-last time the tank was filled it was close to $1000 !!!